Lions Club L to R front Row: Lions James Anderson, Lou Horner, Kimberly Ledford, Speaker of Lions Club US Rep Chuck Fleischmann , Lions Kathy Farwig, Betty Messer and Stephanie Thomas. Back Row: Lions Jack Smith and Andrew Carson
James Anderson, Board member and Chairperson of Karis Community Health co-partnership
Chuck Fleischmann
Lion James Anderson, Senator Adam Lowe and Lion (past president & current Secretary) Lou Horner
Lions at a vision screening for Bradley County Schools: Photo front row L - R: Lions Kimberly Ledford, Betty Messer, Lou Horner, school nurse, 2 Cleveland State Community College students helping with the screenings Back row L - R: Director of Bradley County Nurses, Lion Andrew Carson
Lions Club meeting with Gift of $2020 from Ric Johnson of EquiTitle Cleveland TN office. Photo Front Row L - R: Ric Johnson, Lion Betty Messer, Lion David Souders. Back Row L - R: Lions Jack Smith, Andrew Carson and Curt Duncan
Past District Governor John Moon from Signal Mountain Lions Club awarding Lion Josh Pratt with Certificate of Completion.