Lions Club L to R front Row: Lions James Anderson, Lou Horner, Kimberly Ledford, Speaker of Lions Club US Rep Chuck Fleischmann , Lions Kathy Farwig, Betty Messer and Stephanie Thomas. Back Row: Lions Jack Smith and Andrew Carson
Lions Club meeting with Gift of $2020 from Ric Johnson of EquiTitle Cleveland TN office. Photo Front Row L – R: Ric Johnson, Lion Betty Messer, Lion David Souders. Back Row L – R: Lions Jack Smith, Andrew Carson and Curt Duncan
Lions at a vision screening for Bradley County Schools: Photo front row L – R: Lions Kimberly Ledford, Betty Messer, Lou Horner, school nurse, 2 Cleveland State Community College students helping with the screenings Back row L – R: Director of Bradley County Nurses, Lion Andrew Carson
Lion James Anderson, Senator Adam Lowe and Lion (past president & current Secretary) Lou Horner
Photo of Lions meeting with Dr. Linda Cash as speaker (Bradley Cty Schools superintendent) Photo L to R: Lion Matt Connell (past president), Kimberly Ledford (current Pres), Dr. Linda Cash, Lion Dianna Calfee.
Past District Governor John Moon from Signal Mountain Lions Club awarding Lion Josh Pratt with Certificate of Completion.
Lion Kimberly Ledford and Dunlap Lion at Nashville Lions Leadership seminar.
James Anderson
James Anderson, Board member and Chairperson of Karis Community Health co-partnership
Chuck Fleischmann
Chuck Fleischmann